- auxiliary engine log book
- 副 assistant
- 机 machine; engine
- 日志 daily record; journal
- 辅机日志 auxiliary engine logbook
- 联机日志 on-line journal
- 轮机日志 engine logbook; engineer's logbook
- 机舱日志, 轮机日志 engine log book
- 机舱日志轮机日志 engine logbook
- 轮机日志和车钟记录簿 engine log book and record book of engine order telegraph
- 副机 auxiliary engine; auxiliary machinery; donkey engine; donkeyengine
- 内河船舶轮机日志记载规则 rules for engine log record of inland waterway vessels
- 副机,辅机 donkey (or auxiliary) engine; donkeyorauxiliaryengine
- 副机长 first officer
- 副机柜 extension cabinet
- 副机师 first officer
- 副机员 donkeyman
- 日志 daily record; journal 航海日志 logbook; log; 工作日志 daily record of work
- 登机日期 date of embarkation
- 低副机构 low counter gear
- 二副机师 second officer
- 辅机副机 auxiliary engine
- 副机传动 accessory drive
- 三副机师 third officer
- 副机柜,辅助机柜 extension cabinet
- 主机柜副机柜 basic cabinetextension cabinet
- Write down generator starting time into generator logbook