The deprivation of his citizenship shocked him 被剥夺公民权这一做法令他很吃惊。
Dialect of a disenfranchised people , 一种被剥夺公民权的人的方言
Dialect of a disenfranchised people , 一种被剥夺公民权的人的方言
Sentenced him to death and deprivation of public rights forever 判处罪犯死刑并剥夺公民权利终身
Punishable by severe measures , such as death , long imprisonment , or loss of civil rights 被褫夺公民权的被严厉的手段,如死刑、长期监禁或剥夺公民权所惩罚的
Since september 11 , 2001 , biological weapons seem to have become the weapon of choice among the disenfranchised militants of the world 2001年9月11日之后,生物武器似乎已成了世界上被剥夺公民权的好战分子们选择的武器。
Laws that are unjust to one segment of society , that discriminate , repress , disenfranchise , and take the lives of one group in society are worthy of civil disobedience 那些对社会一个部分不公正的,那些歧视,压制,剥夺公民权利,并使社会种的一个群体丧命的法律是值得违反的。