Their philosophy is all about paradox , collage , and non - linear way of thinking . like jelly , they blend everything softly and seamlessly , their life path reflects the interplay of the personal and the social . in a economy - oriented age , this generation of artists express their basic needs , feeling and thoughts in an appealing way . like a piece of shiny jelly out of its container , their life becomes infantized under unique social circumstances 果冻时代出生的人奉行非线性的无章法的拼贴的哲学,是一个混沌没有界限却融为一体的果冻;往天下看去,又反射到自己.在经济时代里果冻人叫嚣着最原初的人性,绽露情感的波澜及心灵深处的感悟.如同剥去外壳的果冻闪闪动人,却因为生活机理的变异而形成婴儿化的青春。