前后 1.(时间接近) around; about 春节前后 around the spring festival2.(自始至终) from start to finish; from beginning to end; altogether 这篇小说从动笔到定稿, 前后用了一年时间。 the novel took a year to write altogether, from start to finish. 他前后来过四五次。 he has been here four or five times altogether.3.(前面和后面) front and back 受到前后围攻 be attacked both front and back; be caught between two fires; 房子前后都是果树。 there are fruit trees in front and at the back of the house
Precedes follows relationships indicate sequence , but not dependency 前后关系表示顺序,但不是依赖性。
From the context of the text , i find the next pretext for selling the textile 我从课文的前后关系中找到卖纺织品的下一个借口
The context is set by playing field ( environment ) and rugby rules ( controls ) 由比赛场地(环境)和橄榄球规则(控制)来决定前后关系。
Waterfall and spiral methodologies set the context and deliverable definition at the start of a project 瀑布和螺旋模型在项目开始时声明前后关系和可交付定义。
In this class , we investigate the connection between networks for learning and the approximation scheme described so far 在这堂课里,我们要认识到目前为止有关学习网路和近似值理论两者前后关系的研究。
Scrum and iterative methodologies initially plan the context and broad deliverable definition , and then evolve the deliverable during the project based on the environment Scrum和迭代的方法在开始时定义前后关系和主要的可交付定义,以后在根据项目环境增加可交付定义。