刺 刺象声词刺的一声, 他滑了一个跟头。wham! he slipped and fell. 花炮点着后, 刺刺地直冒火星。the firecracker spattered sparks the moment it was lit.
木 Ⅰ名词1.(树木) tree 果木 fruit tree; 伐木 fell trees; 独木不成林。 one tree does not make a forest.2.(木头) timber; wood 檀香木 sandalwood; 松木pinewood3.(棺材) coffin 棺木 coffin; 行将就木 be getting nearer and nearer the coffin4.(姓氏) a surname 木华 mu huaⅡ形容词1.(木制的) wooden 木犁 wooden plough2.(质朴) plain; simple and honest 木讷寡言 plain and silent; honest and slow of speech3.(麻木) numb; wooden 冻木了 be numb with cold; 木头木脑 wooden-headed; dull-witted; 呆若木鸡 dumb as a wooden chicken