- 制作 fabrication; make; manufactu ...
- 物 thing; matter; object
- 制作物品专长 item creation feats
- 作物 crop 夏收作物 summer crop; 油料作物 oil-bearing crop; 作物改良 crop improvement; 作物区 crop belts; 作物栽培 arable farming
- 制作 fabrication; make; manufacture 制作家具 make furniture; 精心制作的银器 elaborately wrought silverware; 制作精巧 skilled manufacture; perfect in workmanship; 制作车间 atelier; 制作图案 pattern-making; 制作者 fabricant; fabricator; producer
- 允许脚本指令类比客户端列出制作物品的选单 making
- 农作物;作物 croplant
- 伴作物 secondary crop
- 创作物 creation
- 副作物 subsidiary crop
- 工作物 working substance
- 旱作物 rain-fed crop
- 后作物 aftercrop; further crop; succeeding crop
- 间作物 inter-filler; intercrop filler planting filler; interrow crop
- 矫作物 artatendon; artefact; artifact
- 硫作物 sulphide
- 农作物 crops◇农作物保险 crop insurance; 农作物产量 crop yield; 农作物群落 agrophytocoenosium; 农作物图 crop map; 农作物危害 murrain; 农作物栽培 arviculture
- 前作物 forecrop; foregoing crop; preceding crop
- 作物地 crop land; cropland
- 作物根 root of the crop
- 作物茎 stem of plant
- 作物历 crocalendar
- 作物年 grower's year
- 作物区 cro ingregion; crop area; cropping region
- 作物学 crop science
- For cooking , roasting or miso material use
用于煮烤味噌制作物之原料。 - Is the wet earth the same to you as the one who is forming it
被制作的物,岂可论制作物的说,他没有制作我。 - Shall what is formed say to him who formed it , " he did not make me "