

音标:[ lìlù ]   发音:
  • wealth and position



  • 例句与用法
  • What do you suppose will satisfy the soul, except to walk free and on no superior ?
  • A man who advocates aesthetic effort and deprecates social effort is only likely to be understood by a class to which social effort has become a stale matter .
  • Escape the temptations of fame , and wealth and achievement
  • As i recall , i had braved the winds and storms of life , pursuing fame and gold , long entrapped in sensuality and passion
  • Alas , my dear mother , some have suffered so much , and yet live , and have raised a new fortune on the ruin of all the promises of happiness which heaven had made them - on the fragments of all the hope which god had given them
  • He had completely assimilated that unwritten code which had so pleased him at olmtz , that code in virtue of which a lieutenant may stand infinitely higher than a general , and all that is needed for success in the service is not effort , not work , not gallantry , not perseverance , but simply the art of getting on with those who have the bestowal of promotion , and he often himself marvelled at the rapidity of his own progress , and that others failed to grasp the secret of it
  • Its all very well for rostov , whose father sends him ten thousand at a time , to talk about not caring to cringe to any one , and not being a lackey to any man . but i , with nothing of my own but my brains , have my career to make , and mustnt let opportunities slip , but must make the most of them
    “罗斯托夫的父亲一次就给他汇寄万把块卢布,他轻松愉快,说他不在任何人面前低三下四,决不去做任何人的仆役而我除去自己的头颅以外,一无所有,不得不给自己谋求锦绣前程,获取功名利禄,时机不可错失,而应充分利用它。 ”
  • 其他语种释义
  • 利禄的日语:の興味をかき立てる
  • 利禄的韩语:[명사]【문어】 이익과 관록(官祿). 利禄熏心; 이익과 관록에 미혹되다
  • 利禄的俄语:pinyin:lìlù 1) доходы и карьеры 2) искать выгод от своего служебного положения, цепляться за свой оклад
  • 利禄什么意思:lìlù 〈书〉(官吏的)钱财和爵禄:功名~ㄧ~小人。
  • 推荐英语阅读
利禄的英文翻译,利禄英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译利禄,利禄的英文意思,利祿的英文利禄 meaning in English利祿的英文利禄怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
