- 利益 interest; gain; benefit; pro ...
- 和 mix; blend
- 特权 privilege; prerogative
- 特权利益 royalty interest
- 利益和经济成本 benefits and economic costs
- 兼顾长远利益和当前利益 take into account both long term and immediate interests
- 局部利益和个人利益矛盾 widerspruch m.zwischen teilinteressen und persnlichen interessen
- 守门员规则限制和特权 limitations and privileges of a goalkeeper
- 保护公众利益和公民权利委员会 commission for the protection of public interests and citizens' rights
- 将别人的利益和需要铭记于心 keethe interests and needs of others in mind
- 特权 privilege; prerogative 特权地位 privileged position; 外交特权 diplomatic privileges; 不允许把职权变成特权。 it is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges. 这个人喜欢搞特权。 this man is fond of seeking privileges.; 特权集团 vested interests;特权阶层 privileged stratum; 特权阶级 privileged class; privileged order; 特权思想 the idea that prerogatives and privileges go with position; the“ special privilege ” mentality
- 益和路 aik hoe rd
- 利益 interest; gain; benefit; profit 利益均沾 share equal profit; 使人民群众得到利益 benefit the masses of the people; 为大多数人谋利益 work for the interests of the vast majority of people; 利益关系人 party interested; 利益集团 interest group; 利益所有人 beneficial owner; 利益协调 harmony of interests; 利益责任单位 profit responsibility unit
- 和特许 esd
- 收益和损失 p.& l. profit and loss
- 益和橡胶厂 aik hoe rubber factory
- 特权,特典。 special privilege
- 特权的 prerogative; progress
- 特权法 prerogative law
- 特权费 royalty expense
- 特权级 privilege class
- 特权税 tax of privilege
- 特权位 privileged bit
- 无特权 ex privileges
- 小特权 privilegium minus