

  • benefit the nation and the people; bring profit to one's country and the people



  • 例句与用法
  • The development of bank cards industriy is a system program which is benificial to state and citizen
  • The development of bank cards industriy is a systematic program which is benificial to state and citizen
  • From the two example above we can see that sometimes migration is good for both the country and the people . so why not we do it
  • Loan to university students is originally a policy that benefits the country and the people , hut this policy meets with unprecedented credit crisis
  • They said happily : “ shen anzhong main not to earn money , he has done is a improvement of the ecological environment , preserve the ecological security benefits the country and the people ' s cause
    他们高兴地说: “申安中主要不是为了赚钱,他做的是一件改善生态环境、维护生态安全、利国利民的事业。 ”
  • This project cycle short , effective is quick , take the trees resources branch material as a raw material , is an item iss beneficial to the country , beneficial to the people is popular business to win much the project
  • The cold storage technology of air conditioning has become an important measure used to adjust loads and save electricity as the result of transforming a part of high loads in the day to low loads in the night
  • I protect the friends who are affection , environment and benefit a citizen of national interests and it is natural that we get up from personal little things and gains that one of them thin a little of oneself makes contribution for a great environmental service
    亲爱的朋友们,保护环境,利国利民,我们应该从身边的小事做起,争取为伟大的环保事业作出自己微薄的一份贡献! )
  • Wine industry is also stress backed by nation , because the development of wine industry is to be favorable to the people and nation , as a century business and dominant position in wine industry , yantai changyu group co . ,
  • City intersection is the joint of road network , which plays an important role in road capacity and service . it is very important and valuable that we should try our best to manage city intersection traffic control and dig deeply current traffic resource so as to improve intersection capacity and debase delays and queue length . the paper does a little work on the study field for promoting designing and controlling civil intersection intelligently and integratively
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
利国利民的英文翻译,利国利民英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译利国利民,利国利民的英文意思,利國利民的英文利国利民 meaning in English利國利民的英文利国利民怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
