- 创世 the Creation
- 爆炸 explode; blow up
- 创世大爆炸 big bang; explosion that some scientists suggest caused the creation of the universe
- 创世 the creation (基督教《圣经》)◇创世 (大)爆炸 big bang; 《创世纪》 genesis (《旧约全书》第一卷); 创世论 [生物学] creationism; 创世岩体 genesis rocks
- 《创世纪》 Genesis
- 创世记 book of genesis; genesis
- 创世纪 at the threshold of an era; book of genesis; chuang shiji; russian ark; the creation of adam; ultima
- 创世论 creationism
- 创世神 demiurge
- 创世岩 genesis rock
- 爆炸 explode; blast; blow up; bomb; burst; detonate; explosion; fulmination; out-burst 爆炸性的局势 an explosive situation; 爆炸一个核装置 detonate a nuclear device; 爆炸性新闻 startling news; 炸弹爆炸了。 a bomb exploded.; 爆炸成形 explosive forming; explosive shaping; 爆炸成形法 aeroform method; dynaforming; 爆炸加工 explosion working
- 创世的神话 the creation myth
- 创世电视 creation tv
- 创世封魔录 soul blazer
- 创世峰会 genius party
- 创世故事 the story of the creation
- 创世及其他 the creation of the world and other business
- 创世纪 (壁画) the creation of adam
- 创世纪2 at the threshold of an era
- 创世纪ii at the threshold of an era
- 创世纪宾馆 chuang shi ji hotel
- 创世纪乐团 genesis
- 创世纪元 anno mundi
- 创世纪在线 utlima online
- 创世纪战 the war of genesis