- 划艇 pulling-boat; lurker; Canadi ...
- 回旋 circle round; round and roun ...
- 皮划艇激流回旋 canoe kayak-slalom; canoe/kayak-slalom
- 划艇 pulling-boat; lurker; canadian canoe; canoe; rowboat 单人划艇 canadian single; 双人划艇 canadian pair; 划艇运动 canoeing
- 潜艇回声 submarine echo
- 回旋 1.(盘旋) circle round; round and round 飞机在上空回旋。 the airplane is circling overhead.2.(可进退; 可商量) (room for) manoeuvre 这件事还有回旋余地。 the whole thing is not final.; 回旋加速器 [物理学] cyclotron; phasotron; circular accelerator; 回旋炮 flexible gun; swivel gun; 回旋曲 [音乐] rondo; 回旋奏鸣曲 rondo-sonata
- 划艇队 rowing team
- 划艇术 boatmanship; oarsmanship
- 皮划艇 canoe/kayak; canoeing; s kanu
- 轻划艇 sculling boat; skiff
- 小划艇 dingey (or dinghy, or dingy); dinghy boat; scull
- 潜艇回避装置 submarine evasion device
- 救助艇回收装置 rescue boat recovery arrangement
- 船载划艇 dinghy
- 单人划艇 [体育] canadian single
- 多浆划艇 cutter gig; cuttergig
- 多桨划艇 cutter gig; cuttergig
- 帆布划艇 canvas canoe
- 港口划艇 wherry
- 划艇本领 oarsmanship
- 划艇比赛 canoe racing; rowing regatta
- 划艇船尾 the canoe stern; the cruiser stern
- 划艇的舵手 kcks kbks
- 划艇队员 crew
- 划艇配件 canoe accessories