- make a clear distinction between right and wrong
- 划清 draw a clear line of demarca ...
- 是非 right and wrong
- 界限 demarcation line; dividing l ...
- 分清是非 discern between right and wrong; distinguish right from wrong
- 弄清是非 thrash out the rights and wrongs
- 抹杀是非界线 blur out distinctions between right and wrong
- 划清界限 draw a demarcation line with sb.; be sharply demarcated from; distinguish between things that are different in nature; draw [make] a clear distinction; draw a clear [sharp] line between a and b; make a clean break with sb.: 你必须和他划清界限。 you must make a clean break with him
- 划清职务界限 restrictive demarcation of duties
- 我们应该学会分清是非 we should learn to distinguish right from wrong
- 划清 draw a clear line of demarcation; make a clear distinction; distinguish 划清是非界限 make a clear distinction between right and wrong
- 你必须和他划清界限 you must make a clean break with him
- 职责分界;划清职务界限 restrictive demarcation of duties
- 审查案件的实体方面, 查清是非曲直 review of the merits
- 是非 1.(事理的正确与错误) right and wrong 是非问题 a matter of right and wrong; 明辨是非 distinguish clearly between right and wrong2.(口舌) quarrel; dispute 搬弄是非 tell tales; sow discord; 惹起是非 stir up trouble; provoke a dispute; “是非” 决策 yes-no decision; 是非题 true and false; 是非问句 [语言学] yes-no question; yes-or-no question
- 按计划清除 cleared as planned
- 划清界线 draw the line
- 惹是非 sleeping dogs lie
- 是非法 right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method
- 是非感 moral sense
- 是非题 multiple subjects; true false item; true- false (question); truefalse itemm; true??false item
- 爱搬弄是非 talebearing
- 搬弄是非 stir up enmity; carry [tell] tales; make mischief (between); sow discord; talebearing [bearing tales]: 他不该在同志们之间搬弄是非。 he shouldn't have carried tales among his comrades
- 搬弄是非者 taleteller; talebearer; tattletale; telltale
- 办别是非说 rihgt and wrong test