十字步 volta movements criss cross maypoe solo spot volat
Untie him . else he won ' t cross himself 给他松绑,不然他没法划十字
With a loud sigh he crossed himself before the holy picture 伯爵第一个起立,长叹一声,对着圣像划十字。
Cross one ' s heart 在胸口划十字
Christ s rood made she on breastbone and him drew that he would rathe infare under her thatch 护士忙在胸前划十字,并邀来者速进陋室。
One of them kept on crossing himself , the other scratched his back and worked his lips into the semblance of a smile 一个老是划十字,另一个在抓背脊,动了动嘴唇,像微笑的样子。
Crossing the heart , like crossing the fingers , provides protection against bad luck by invoking the power of the holy object 同中指和食指交叉一样,在胸口划十字也是通过祈求天佑神助使人免遭厄运。
When it began to move , very slow and with a mournful creaking , my mother crossed herself but then made an immediate return to reality 列车开始移动的时候,速度非常缓慢,还发出痛苦的吱吱嘎嘎声,我妈在胸前划十字,但是她马上就回到了现实。
She crossed herself , bowed to the ground , and when she did not follow , simply prayed to god to forgive her everything , everything , and to have mercy on her , in horror at her own vileness 她划十字,鞠躬,当她对自己卑劣的行为感到恐惧和不明白时,只求上帝原谅她宽恕她的一切,对她大发慈悲。
This tradition was a secularization of an even older gestural tradition : the religious tradition of crossing oneself that still exists in the roman and orthodox catholic churches 这个传统是一种更古老的手势动作世俗化发展的结果:即罗马和东正教的教廷里仍保留着的在胸口划十字发誓的宗教传统。