挂钩 1.[交通运输] couple (two railway coaches); articulate;2.(联系) link up with; establish contact with; get in touch with 高等院校应与科研单位挂钩。 universities and colleges should establish close contact with institutes of scientific research.3.(用来吊起重物或把车厢连接起来的钩) tieback; pullback; shackle; hitch; hitching; drawbar; coupling; [电工] dropper; hook hitch; latch hook; towing eye
分配 1.distribution; allocation; assignment 不公平的分配 an unfair distribution; 地理分配 geographical distribution; 分配上的平均主义 equalitarianism in income distribution; 利润分配 distribution of the profits; 毕业分配 job assignment on graduation2.distribute; allot; assign; share 分配住房 allot dwelling houses; 分配任务 allot tasks; 服从组织分配 accept the job that the organization assigns to one; 按劳分配 distribution according to work; 那些房间已经分配给我们。 those rooms have been assigned to us. 一毕业她就被分配任学校的会计。 upon graduation she was assigned to the position of treasurer of the school. 每年国家规划并分配特别的研究题目。 every year a national plan outlines and assigns special problems for research
To be able to report crt - type blocks in your allocation hook , windows api functions could be used instead of c run - time functions 为了能够在分配挂钩中报告crt类型的块,可以使用windows api函数来替代c运行时函数。
Note that the allocation hook function explicitly excludes crt blocks the memory allocated internally by the c run - time library from its log 请注意,分配挂钩函数将crt块(由c运行时库内部分配的内存)从其日志中显式地排除。
An allocation hook function logs heap operations to a text file , and the report hook function logs selected reports to the same text file 分配挂钩函数将堆操作记录到文本文件中,报告挂钩函数将选定的报告记录到同一文本文件中。
Lists links to client block hook functions , allocation hook functions , allocation hooks and crt memory allocations , and report hook functions 列出指向客户端块挂钩函数、分配挂钩函数、分配挂钩和crt内存分配以及报告挂钩函数的链接。