

  • block switch technology
  • block-switch technology
  • packet switching technology
  • packet-switch technology



  • 例句与用法
  • Next generation voice networks combine voice and data on a single transmission facility using packet - switched technologies
  • In the core layer , some vendors are doing researches on equipments integrating circuit switching , cell switching and packet switching technologies
  • Bluetooth operates in the global available 2 . 4ghz free ism band , its topology is the piconet . it implements the wireless communication with data and voice , by the combination of circuit switching and packet switching
    蓝牙使用免申请2 . 4ghzism频段,采用微微网作为其网络的基本单元,并采用电路交换技术和分组交换技术组合,实现语音和数据的无线通信。
  • Along with the fast development of the internet , the main technology used in the communication network is changing from circuit - switched technology to the packet - switched technology , especially to the connectionless ip technology
  • Because ip telephone systems employ the packet switching technology , the echo signals generated by the hybrid due to the impedance mismatch usually experience longer transmitting delay , which significantly decrease the speech communication quality
    对于ip电话系统而言,由于采用了分组交换技术,由2 / 4线转换器阻抗不匹配而产生的回波在系统中传输的时延较长,这将加重回波对语音通信的影响。
  • Bluetooth wireless technology uses the globally available unlicensed ism radio band of 2 . 4ghz and its topology is best described as a multiple piconet structure . it implements the wireless communication with data and voice , by the combination of circuit switching and packet switching
    蓝牙使用免申请2 . 4ghzism频段,采用微微网作为其网络的基本单元,并采用电路交换技术和分组交换技术组合,实现语音和数据的无线通信。
  • Apart from those advantages of using packet switching , improving the efficiency of the channel and lowering the communication cost , using the ip telephony technology is easier to realize the expansive services and the integration with the multimedia technology , which makes it advantageous among telecommunication fields and prosperous in the future
  • Apart from those advantages of using packet switching , improving the efficiency of the channel and lowering the communication cost , using the ip telephony technology is easier to realize the expansive services and the integration with the multimedia technology , which makes it advantageous among telecommunication fields and prosperous in the future
  • Apart from those advantages of using packet switching , improving the efficiency of the channel and lowering the communication cost , using the ip telephony technology is easier to realize the expansive services and the integration with the multimedia technology , which makes it advantageous among telecommunication fields and prosperous in the future
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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