He graded the students according to ability . 他将学生们按能力分级。
Regulation for milk involved classification according to use . 牛奶的管理规则包括按用途分级。
At a second year's examination tom was not classed at all . 在第二年的考试中汤姆根本未被分级。
Kriebel have used x-rays for sorting as well as to determine degree of embryo development in full seeds . 克列拜尔已经用X射线对种子进行分级,并能对饱满种子中胚发育的程度加以鉴别。
Much of the apple crop was formerly harvested and sold directly out of the orchard with comparatively little grading and packing . 从前,很多苹果在收获以后直接由果园出售,不需分级和包装。
Unending subclassifications of tumors and morphologic grading have generally proved to be a sterile pathologic exercise . 对肿瘤进行无止境的分类和形态学分级证明都是一种毫无效果的病理学活动。
Standards for classification and gradation of soil erosion 土壤侵蚀分类分级标准
Standard test methods of sampling and grading rosin 松香分级和抽样的标准试验方法
The use of ines is monitored by the iaea 该分级表的使用受国际原子能机构监察。
Classification for coal quality part 2 : sulfur content 煤炭质量分级第2部分:硫分