- 分枝 branch; virgation; sprouting ...
- 花序 inflorescence
- 分枝花介属 clonocythere
- 分枝花柱 stylode
- 分枝圆锥花序 branched panicles
- 花序 [植物学] inflorescence◇花序梗 peduncle
- 分枝 branch; virgation; sprouting; growth; arm; sprig (神经,血管的) 他的专业是心理学, 这是知识之树上的一个重要分枝。 his speciality was psychology -- one important branch on the great tree of knowledge
- 孤枝花 idiocladenthy
- 绢枝花 silk flower on twig
- 攀枝花 dukou; panzhihua; ta-tu-k'ou; tu-k'ou-shih
- 一枝花 a spray of flowers; one flower
- 涤纶枝花 polyester flower on twigs
- 独叶一枝花 flabellate hemipilia herb
- 攀枝花市 panzhihua shi
- 攀枝花苏铁 cycas panzhihuaensis
- 七叶一枝花 daiswa chinensis; paris polyphylla; qiyeyizhihua rhizoma paridis verticillatae; windpipe trachea
- 小树枝花纹 sprig
- 枝花现象 ramiflory
- 雌花序 female inflorescence
- 单花序 simple inflorescence
- 复花序 compound inflorescence
- 花序柄 common peduncle
- 花序梗 flower stalk; peduncle
- 花序果 composite fruit
- 花序列 anthotaxis; anthotaxy