Divide that by four , and it ' s tinier still 这镇分成四部分,仍然太小了
Divide that by four , and it ' s tinier still 这镇分成四部分,仍然太小了
The chronicle breaks down into four parts 这部编年史分成四部分。
The thesis is divided into four chapters 本文分成四部分。
The thesis is made up of four chapters , firstly it sketches out the evolution , status and present situations of the private economy of xishi district , and it also brings out the significance of the research work 论文研究分成四部分,首先描述了西市区民营经济发展的历史和现状,提出进行论文研究的重要意义。
In the first part , the author inquires the theoretical source of testing form on the creating consciousness of middle school student " and " testing form on the reasons for the creating consciousness of middle school student 全文共分成四部分。第一部分是探讨本文所设计的《中学生创新意识状况量表》和《中学生创新意识状况成因量表》的理论依据。
The cross debugger has four components : user interface , debugging module , communication module and operating system supporting module . the monitor programs of the target are composed of executive module of debugging command , communication module and code control module 交叉调试器可以分成四部分:用户接口、调试功能模块、通信模块和操作系统支持模块;目标机端的监控程序主要是由调试命令执行模块、通信模块、代码控制模块组成。
The first part , the paper introduces the present condition of the water supply industry of our country in details , and analyzes the problems and deficiencies from the aspects of water supply factories and enterprises , water supply markets , administrant system and the price of water 全文大体上可以分成四部分。第一部分,系统介绍了我国供水行业的行业现状,从供水企业、供水市场、供水管理体制和水利工程水价和水费收取等几个方面分析了我国供水行业的当前情况及存在的问题和差距。
This paper can put into four parts ? this first part is the description and theoretical analyses of source coding , which focus on the research of optimizing equal quantization ? the second part presents the theoretical description of joint channel - source coding , which focus on the research of combined channel - source coding o the third part is about the application of combined channel - source coding to two different channel models , binary symmetric channel and cdma channel o in this part , two different coding designs are given according to different characters of these two channels ? and the last part is the description of simulation of combined channel - source coding ? most of my work are about two parts , one is to find the most appropriate quantization steps and centroid points of separate channel - source coding , another is to simulate the combined channel - source coding ? comparing the simulation results of separate channel - source coding and combined channel - source coding , the characters of joint channel - source coding are given 本论文可以分成四部分:第一部分给出了信源编码的基本概念和理论分析,重点放在最优均匀量化编码的研究方面;第二部分给出了信道?信源联合编码的原理叙述,重点放在复合式信道?信源编码的分析研究上;第三部分将信道-信源联合编码原理应用在两种噪声信道上:离散无记忆信道和cdma信道,并根据两种信道的不同特点详细描述了两种相应的编码设计方案;第四部分给出了复合式信道-信源编码的仿真结果以及对结果的相应分析。
This thesis consists of four parts : the first part primarily examines the definition of agency , especially makes comparisons between the agency of law in civil law family and its counterpart in common law family , and stresses the importance of the system , discusses the characteristics of agent system in our country 本文分成四部分:第一部分:主要论述代理的含义、国际代理制度的差异以及我国代理制度的含义,揭示我国外贸代理制度的法律特点。第二部分:通过分析我国外贸代理制的立法进程,可以看出我国对外贸代理制的法律调整也是在不断完善之中。