

  • distributed parameter system
  • distributedparameter system
  • system with distributed parameters



  • 例句与用法
  • Stabilization by state feedback of the singular distributed parameter systems
  • Variable structure control of a class of distributed parameter systems with delays
  • In distributed parameter systems , the continuous spatial distribution of a physical characteristic is taken into account
  • The concept of switched systems is introduced into distributed parameter systems , and a distributed parameter switched system is presented
  • Lumped parameter systems are described by ordinary differential equations ; while distributed parameter systems are described by partial differential equations
  • Models of two classes of distributed parameter switched systems are set up through combining the modelling methods of switched systems with those of the distributed parameter systems
  • So far , vsc with sm has been deeply studied as an important branch of nonlinear control theory . it has been employed to control discrete - time systems , distributed parameters systems and time - delay systems etc .
  • In view of problems on solving parabolic equation with non - differentiability , parameter identification on the problems is discussed in this paper by non - overlapping domain decomposition method . main theoretic results are as following . 1
    本文针对一类具有极大不可微性的抛物型方程定解问题,采用非重叠型区域分解算法,应用分布参数系统的参数辨识与最优控制理论,研究了该问题的参数辨识问题,主要的理论结果如下: 1
  • This dissertation studies mainly the identification and the optimal control problem in parabolic pdes , including the existence of solutions of state equations and optimal solutions of the optimal control and the identification problems , optimality conditions , the relation between the state functions and the control functions ( identification parameters ) , the algorithms of infinite - dimensional optimization problems deriving from the identification and the optimal control problem of distributed parameter system
  • Firstly , the identification of the double medium system is considered , the existence , the uniqueness and the boundness of the solution of the system of the partial differential equations are proved by using the monotone method , the mathematical model of the parameter identification problem is established , and under some mild assumptions , the optimality system about the identification is derived , thus the suitable gradient methods can be employed to solving the identification problem . secondly , the theories of optimal control of distributed parameter system are introduced to investigate the parameters identification problem involving the three - dimensional population system
    利用单调方法证明了正问题解的存在惟一性和有界性,建立了相应参数识别问题的数学模型,并给出了求解这类识别问题的最优化系,从而可利用适当的梯度法,实现对系统参数的识别;把分布参数系统最优控制理论引入到具有多个识别参数的三维种群生态系统的参数识别问题之中,给出了参数识别问题最优解的存在性结论,证明了状态方程的解对识别参数的连续依赖性和g (
  • 百科解释
????????分布参数是一个很重要的概念,其英文术语是distributed parameter,它是指一个模型的特性不能仅仅由几个参数来表示,其模型参数与工作特性既是时间的函数还与尺寸与空间坐标有关。在电子信息领域中的高频应用中,已经不能只用几个简单的参数来描述元件的电特性,这种情况下需要考虑分布参数,其内部相邻两个点之间的电压和电流是不同的,这种时候的电路不能简单的用基尔霍夫定则列方程求解,而需要用场的分析方法,根据麦克斯韦方程表征场的作用和传递,通常采取数值分析(如有限元法、矩量法、时域有限差分等)方法来求解其场。
  • 推荐英语阅读
分布参数系统的英文翻译,分布参数系统英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译分布参数系统,分布参数系统的英文意思,分布參數系統的英文分布参数系统 meaning in English分布參數系統的英文分布参数系统怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
