To transform our economic developing model , to coordinate the internal - external equilibrium 一个分化型村庄的个案研究
Radiodione treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer : current status and future prospects 治疗分化型甲状腺癌的现状和进展
Application of recombinant human thyrotropin and redifferentiation drugs in differentiated thyroid cancer 重组人促甲状腺激素和促再分化药物在分化型甲状腺癌中的应用
We report a 24 - year - old female with huge undifferentiated sarcoma arising from renal parenchyma of left kidney 我们报告一位24岁女性,患有一从左肾组织长出的巨大未分化型的原发性肉瘤。
Similarly , among 449 of his older patients with previously untreated dtc , 91 % are alive , and only 8 of the 40 who died , died of thyroid cancer 相似的,在449名未曾治疗的分化型甲状腺癌老年患者中, 91 %还活着, 40名去世的人中只有8人死于甲状腺癌症
Ernest l , mazzaferri , et al . clinical review 128 current approaches to primary therapy for papillary and follicular thyroid cancer [ j ] . j clin endocrinol metab , 2001 , 86 ( 4 ) : 1460 林军,缪蔚冰,吴立坚,等. 1311治疗分化型甲状腺癌转移灶中甲状腺球蛋白测定和1311全身显像的意义[ j ] .国际放射医学核医学杂志, 2006 , 30 ( 3 ) : 167
Agricultural labor forces have been pouring into non - agriculture . muyeli community of dongxiang people is a " pre - desin tegrated " minority community , whose agricultural labor force mobility has its own specialties , compared with the whole country ' s 东乡族苜叶里社区作为一个“前分化型”民族社区,其农业劳动力的流动同全国相比有许多特殊之处。
The article discusses the general rules of the dividing of the stratums during the social transformation period : the structure of the social stratums changing from the type of pyramid to the oval ; the causes of the stratums dividing changing from intangible capital to tangible capital ; and the course of the stratums ' dividing changing from dividing type to integrating one 摘要社会转型期阶层分化有其自身发展的一般规律,即阶层结构类型一般会从金字塔型走向橄榄球型,阶层分化依据一般会由无形资产转向有形资产,阶层分化过程一般会从分化型分化走向整合型分化。