This is the standard start to lorem ipsum 我是严肃的分割线
Sure , boxes and rules are a good way to highlight important information 当然了,合理使用条框和分割线是亮出重要信息的好方法。
You may move the divider between the panes by clicking and dragging it with the mouse 也可以用鼠标拉伸来改变屏幕上面分割线的位置。
The strict causality exists in the different scales of gradient watershed segmentation under the multi - scale geodesy reconstructing filtering 在多尺度测地重建滤波下,不同尺度的梯度流域分割线存在严格的因果关系。
Usually , polygon - partition was accomplished by drawing a random partition - line on the partitioned polygon unit by hand , while the rational analysis of essential requirements of prime farmland protection was ignored . so the polygon - partition was always arbitrary and random and could not meet the demand of orientation . on the other hand , the completion of polygon - partition usually relays on polygon - partition model of gis which was selected by hand , so mapping automatically was not achieved 通常的图斑定积分割仅是人工在需定积分割的图斑上任意输入一条分割线进行分割,在此之前缺乏对分割线方向的判断、选择决策,主观性和随意性较强,缺乏对基本农田保护区划定内在要求的合理分析,容易导致分割划入的基本农田只是在数量上满足要求,而不能满足定位需要;同时,图斑定积分割的最终实现一般都是由人工手动调用gis中的分割模块进行,准确率低、费时长,没有实现真正意义上的成图自动化。
Secondly , each region ’ s orientation line is calculated to prejudge the regions that contain the shadow regions , and the regions that contain shadow region are marked . thirdly , the marked region ’ s body color vector is calculated , and it is matched with that in the shadow database , after that , the shadow region can be obtained accurately 接着计算前景中每个区域的方向角分割线,预判断每个区域中是否含有阴影区域,标记出含有阴影区域的区域,然后对有标记的区域计算其体色向量,和阴影数据库中的体色向量进行匹配运算,精确定位出阴影区域。
On the assumption of ignoring the distortion of thickness , this paper determines the rough shape by the geometric modeling method of equal area developing using mixed mesh cell of triangle and quadrangle for the first time , presents the equal area developing arithmetic of quadrangle - triangle . on the virtual geometric symmetry axis , we puts forward the method of determining the developed coordinate of the point on the base band in the development of using regular quadrangle cell , determines the developed shape of internal structure in plane utilizing point - to - point mapping theory . furthermore , we realize the approximate developing of undeveloped - irregular boundary surface using a few triangle cells 本文结合型号研制中小曲率机翼整体壁板类零件坯料展开课题,基于板料厚向变形忽略不计的先验假设,首创混合四边形-三角形网格等面积展开的几何模拟法确定壁板类零件毛坯外形,给出了混合四边形-三角形网格等面积展开算法;提出了虚拟分割线的概念,采用虚拟几何对称轴,给出了规整四边形单元展开基带上结点的计算方法;采用映射原理和求交算法确定了壁板内部结构信息的展开定位。