边缘 1.(沿边的部分) border; edge; fringe; margin; rim; limb; skirt; verge; brink; periphery 经济破产的边缘 the verge of economic bankruptcy; 悬崖的边缘 the edge of a precipice; 森林的边缘 the fringe of a forest; the verge of a forest; the margin of a forest; 大洋最远的边缘 the farthest bounds of the ocean; 生活在饥饿的边缘 live at the verge of starvation; 战争边缘政策 brink-of-war policy; brinkmanship2.(靠近界线的; 同两方面或多方面有关系的) marginal; borderline 边缘学科 borderline subject; interdisciplinary subject; peripheral subject
初试刀锋 try one's sword for the first time -- display one's talent for the first time; kill the first man
刀锋的位置 lage der schneide orientation of cutting edge
And i have read on the net that these sword were cast more than one time , so that the edge were cast from harder bronze ( more tin content ) while the body of the blade were cast from less brittle bronze 我曾在网上看过这些刀剑是不止一次的浇铸的,在刀锋边缘会用硬一点的黄铜(含锡量多一些) ,而中间的地方会相对用软一点的黄铜造。