

  • go or come out to meet



  • 例句与用法
  • The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team
  • Finally , i think that in combat , i can pilot it out to fight against our enemy , depending on the excellent air mobility , superior electronic fire control system , and the performance of the long - range precision - guided weapons
  • Finally , i think that in combat , when i can pilot it out to fight our enemy , depend on the excellent air mobility , superior electronic fire control system . and the performance of the long - range precision - guided weapons , add with my experience , i do think
  • The formula for mach number has been optimized with least - squres solution , thus the precision of a polynomial of power of 5 is better than that of 9 . 2 . after the solving of angle of attack and angle of sideslip , the theory of general inverse of matrix is used to simplify the nonlinear equations and to calculate the total pressure and the modified dynamic pressure ratio . these two parameters together with the angle of attack and angle of sideslip contain enough information to work out the dynamic pressure and static pressure
    其中包括: 1 .应用最小二乘法,对马赫数的泰勒求解公式进行优化,优化后的求解公式采用5次多项式即可在精度上优于原有的9次多项式,可以提高运算速度; 2 .提出应用广义逆矩阵简化非线性方程组:在已经求解出迎角与侧滑角的前提下,直接从原始的压力向量中提取出总压,并且提出了动压修正比的概念。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 出迎的日语:出迎える.
  • 出迎的韩语:[동사] 마중 나가다. 나가서 맞다. 출영(出迎)하다.
  • 出迎的俄语:выходить встречать
  • 出迎什么意思:出外迎接。    ▶ 《仪礼‧士相见礼》: “主人对曰: ‘某也固辞不得命, 敢不敬从。 ’出迎于门外, 再拜。”    ▶ 《史记‧齐太公世家》: “ 子我 在幄, 出迎之, 遂入, 闭门。”    ▶ 宋 陆游 《牧牛儿》诗: “闻笛翁出迎, 儿归牛入圈。”    ▶ 清 方苞 《田间先生墓表》: ...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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