Wiring chip port is molded forming to make it easier for assembling wires and outlet boxes 出线口模具成型,配线容易,地插座安装更方便
The terminals number , outlet directions , outlet ` s number and nominal diameter can be changed at will 端子数出线口方向及数量,公称直径可任意变化。
Every cover board has designed line meatus . the line can come out expediently . the raised floor of oamoal more function is fit 每块盖板均设出线口,可随意出线。
If ordering please indicate the number of sockets , voltage , current , the number of inlet , direction and specification , if need outlet wire , please offer the direction , number and specification ; if want chief switch , please show the currents and poles 订货时应注明插座数量,对应的电压和电流,进线口数量,方向及规格,如需要配出线口,请注明方向数量及规格:如带开关请注明开关的电流大小及极数