

  • auslaufgeschwindigkeit
  • delivery speed
  • discharge velocity
  • exit speed
  • exit velocity
  • leaving speed
  • muzzle velocity
  • outgoing speed
  • outlet velocity
  • runaway velocity
  • velocity of discharge
  • velocity of exit



  • 例句与用法
  • Numerical simulation to the influences of inner cooling apparatus on molten steel flow in billet mould
  • The velocity of agricultural product expo rtation has dropped , the costs of exportation enterprises enhance unceasingly , a nd the risk of exportation enlarges
  • The effect of the height between nozzles and ground plate , the distance between the nozzles , the inlet velocity of the nozzles , and the velocity of the cross flow on the flowfield structure were studied one by one
  • The influences of the inlet tube angle , backpressure and driving jet velocity on static pressure distribution in the gas - solid injector are calculated , and the effects of the inlet tube angle on particle bulk phase concentration and axial mean speed of particles in the gas - solid injector are analyzed firstly . the predicament caused by lack of measuring means on the particle velocity in experiments is solved
  • Three traditional automobile markets - - - - - - - north america , west europe and japan affect each other and the demand has been upgraded ; asia and pacific area , south america and east europe have increasing demand for automobiles . ii . present situation of china automobile export and the problems in recent years , china ’ s automobile and its components export have
  • It is shown that when the exit area of secondary nozzle and the fuel / oxidizer ratio is fixed , the increase of mass flow rate of secondary flow lead to the decrease of velocity of mixed flow , and increase of total mass flow rate . the synthetical result of these two phenomenon cause the increase of thrust of rocket ejector , but the increasing magnitude is relatively small , indicating that these is no necessary to claim large bypass ratio in rocket ejector design . in the comparison between two configurations , the typical one has better performance , indicating the importance of pressure ratio
  • On one hand , green barrier places a premium on export enterprise lo innovate and create competition advantages and priority ; on the other hand , green barrier brings bad effect to china ' s export trade , such as reducing the speed of export , shrink the export market , lower the economic benefit of export enterprises and pricks up bilateral or multi - lateral friction in trade
  • A reasonable position of driving nozzle helps to achieve the maximum material flow that also depends on other parameters such as backpressure , properties of conveyed material and driving gas . it is observed that , an increase of convergent section angle is harmful to the pneumatic conveying system , and also influences on the mass flow rate of conveyed material , the distribution of static pressures in injector and the pressure drops of conveying pipe . in addition , within a reasonable scope of air mass rate , increasing the driving jet velocity is more advantageous than enlarging the dimension of driving nozzle
  • For shutters , the results show : 1 ) according to the formula p = , the theoretical value of is calculated by the effective velocity of the flow , and its engineering value is calculated by the arriving velocity of the flow , the relationship between the theoretical value of and its engineering value is 2 ) the smaller value of declining angle will result in the smaller pressure loss and smaller outlet velocities . as a result , the declining angle of 30 掳 or less is recommended in some places which need small wind velocity , such as broadcasting studio and library , and the declining angle of 45 掳 or less is recommended in places which need big wind velocity , such as cinema and office ; 3 ) the larger value of ratio between the wide of the shutter b and the space between two boards h ( b / h ) will result in the larger pressure loss and smaller outlet velocities . the range of b / h from 0 . 8 to 2 . 0 and the optimum value 1 . 2 is recommended ; 4 ) the range of b from 10 mm to 50 nun and the optimum value 40 mm is recommended ; 5 ) the proper thickness of the boards 8 of the shutters is 1 . 5 mm ; 6 ) cuneiform boards should replace the rectangle inlet boards of the shutters in order to obtain better ventilation
    数值模拟采用fluent软件,计算结果用excel进行处理,通过对大量数值工况进行数值模拟计算,结果表明:对于单侧百叶风口,计算表明: 1 )对于公式p = ( ~ 2 ) 2 ,的理论计算值中定义为流体流经百叶风口内部时的速度,即有效速度,而工程上常使用流体的来流速度来计算,计算表明,的理论计算值与工程应用值的关系为( _ (理论) ) ( _ (工程) ) = 0 . 813 ; 2 )当来流速度一定时,挡板倾斜角度越小,压力损失越小、出口速度越小;因此在要求进口风速比较小的场所,如播音室、图书馆等,宜采用挡板角度30的百叶风口;在要求进口风速比较大的场所,如电影院、办公室等,百叶挡板的角度应选45 ; 3 )当来流速度一定时,百叶挡板的挡板宽度b与挡板间距h的比值b h越大,压力损失越大,出口速度越小,计算表明,鉴于压力损失、出口风速、板间形成涡流区的大小,百叶挡板的b h值取0 . 8到2 . 0之间, b h = 1 . 2为最佳值; 4 )当来流速度一定时,在计算的条件下,当百叶挡板宽度b = 40mm时,百叶挡板的阻力系数最小,考虑到涡流区等的影响,建议选用10mm b 50mm的百叶挡板;西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文5 )百叶挡板的厚度取为1 . sinln为好; 6 )百叶挡板的入口侧可选用具有倾斜度的楔形挡板来代替矩形挡板,利用其较好的导流作用,可得到更好的出流效果。
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