

  • goods declaration for exportation



  • 例句与用法
  • Goods declaration for exportation
  • “ country or district shipped to ” means the “ trade ? targeted ” country or area in the customs declaration
  • The export date is the date specified in the “ export customs declaration form ” ( for export refund purposes only )
    具体执行日期,以“出口货物报关单(出口退税专用) ”上海关注明的出口日期为准。
  • Actual execution time shall be subject to the export date marked on the “ export declaration ( special declaration for export refund ) ” of the customs
    具体执行时间,以海关“出口货物报关单(出口退税专用) ”上注明的出口日期为准。
  • An ephedrine export enterprise must , within 30 days after the customs declaration and shipment of ephedrine , present to the ministry of foreign trade and economic co - operation photocopies of the export license and export goods declaration form signed and annotated by customs
  • For example , many flowers form south america such as four - seasons begonia , fuchsia , scarlet sage , crab cactus zygocactus truncactus , and flowers from central america such as variable dahlia , coreopsis , tuberose and red orchid catus have all grown very well in many areas of the province
  • Enterprise doesn ' t declare the export of used facility within stipulated period , but can provide customs declaration of export goods ( for tax refund ) or certificate of goods export through agency , shall be subject to tax exemption but not tax refund method ; enterprise can ' t provide customs declaration of export goods ( for tax refund ) or certificate of goods export through agency and other stipulated documents , shall be collected tax according to prevailing policies
  • Any functionaries of other state organs who , in violation of state regulations , engage in malpractices for personal gain in providing certificates for exports tax refund such as the declaration forms for exports and the verification and writing off documents for export proceeds , thus causing heavy losses to the interests of the state , shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph
  • After get the application from export enterprise , in - charge tax authority should cross check correlated customs declaration form of goods export with custom electronic data , confirm the relevant tax payment condition in regard to vat special invoice or normal invoice that ' s necessary to be further confirmed , through confirmation letter
  • Where the enterprises purchases from abroad cargo which comes from the area herein , the enterprise shall present original declaration forms of import cargo , other customs supervision credence , storage contract or agreement concluded by the abroad enterprises and storage enterprises in the area herein , the cargo certificate issued by the cargo enterprises whose right belongs to the enterprises abroad , besides the credence , business documents required in section ( 1 ) in this article
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
出口货物报关单的英文翻译,出口货物报关单英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译出口货物报关单,出口货物报关单的英文意思,出口貨物報關單的英文出口货物报关单 meaning in English出口貨物報關單的英文出口货物报关单怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
