- romance of the phoenix chamber
- 凤 phoenix a surname
- 阁 pavilion
- 恩仇 debt of gratitude and of rev ...
- 未了 unfinished; outstanding
- 情 feeling; affection; sentimen ...
- 未了情 endless love; unforgettable love
- 恩仇未报 have not settled old accounts
- 未了情未了 ré
- 挂线未了情 aufgelegt; hanging up
- 惊世未了情 kull the conqueror
- 前世未了情 a love by destiny
- 一夜未了情 the drifter
- 阴谋未了情 truly madly deeply
- 真爱未了情 nelly and monsieur arnaud
- 白发红颜未了情 middle of the night
- 飞天英雄未了情 the gypsy moths
- 红粉飘零未了情 her unrequited love
- 红粉忠魂未了情 from here to eternity
- 红颜青灯未了情 till the end of time
- 勇敢的心,又名:惊世未了情 brave heart
- 恩仇 debt of gratitude and of revenge
- 未了 unfinished; outstanding 未了的手续 formalities still to be complied with; 未了的心愿 an unfulfilled wish; 未了的债务 outstanding debts; 未了公案 an unsettled problem [case]; 未了事宜 unfinished business; 未了责任转入 entry of portfolio
- 凤阁岭 fenggeling
- 王凤阁 wang fengge
- 张凤阁 zhang fengge