凤凰山 fenghuang shan; fung wong shan/lantau peak; lantau pk
Flame tree at the entrance to university station 火车站入口的凤凰木,现时正处于休眠期。
Flame tree in front of chung chi college staff club 崇基学院教职员联谊会对面的凤凰木现时状态
Flame tree in front of chung chi tang 众志堂的凤凰木现时状态
Flame tree on chung chi road 崇基路凤凰木现时状态
Flame tree and jacaranda 凤凰木与蓝花楹
Flame trees blossom 欣赏凤凰木
The tree is currently in a dormant phase , like other flame trees around campus pictured below 其状态与校园内其他地方的凤凰木现时状态无异。
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify and explain the situation to the university community 现藉此机会向大学同人澄清和解释: 1 .大学火车站凤凰木
The trees grow very fast and can be seen everywhere on campus , with the one around the university kcr station being the most spectacular 凤凰木生长迅速,在中大随处可见,最著名的是在火车站旁的一棵。