- 体 body; part of the body
- 会议实用文 practical writing for meeting
- 实用文件 applicable documents
- 实用文库 pract-essays
- 实用文书导论 a. introduction to practical letter writing
- 种实 tanezane
- 一种实用方法的产生 the contrivance of an effective method
- 第六章 会议实用文 practical writing for meeting
- 实用文的游说技巧 b. persuasive writing
- 文体 1.(文章的体裁) type of writing; literary form; style 矫揉造作的文体 pretentious literary style; 此书的文体胜过其内容。 the style in this book is more attractive than the matter.2.[简] (文娱体育) recreation and sports; 文体活动 recreational and sports activities; 文体学 stylistics
- 实用 practical; pragmatic; functional 既美观, 又实用 not only beautiful, but also practical; 一味讲究实用的 severely practical; 这本小册子很实用, 而且便于查考。 the booklet is very practical and handy of reference.; 实用语言学 practical linguistics; 实用载荷 service load; 实用织物 utility cloth; 实用制 practical system
- 杂种实生苗 hybrid seedling
- 种实脱粒 extracting seeds from cone
- 电文体 telegraphese
- 古文体 tushery
- 裴文体 bui van the
- 散文体 prosaism; prosily; prosiness
- 文体家 stylist
- 文体路 wenti rd
- 文体论 stylistics
- 文体学 style science; stylistics
- 引用文 citation; quotation; quote; reference
- 应用文 practical writings
- 疫苗接种实践 vaccination practices
- 在育种实践中 in the practices of breeding; inthepracticesofbreeding