

  • geomatrical similarity
  • geometric similarity
  • geometricsimilarity
  • geometry similarity



  • 例句与用法
  • The model and the prototype are geometrically similar .
  • 6 . the similitude law was deduced by analysis of the differential equation of slabs on elastic foundation
    6 、由相似分析得到了几何相似的弹性地基板的频率相似关系。
  • 4 . a fitted equation was given to ultimate load of geometrically similar slabs with size effects taken into account
    4 、考虑材料尺寸效应,拟合出几何相似的板对于极限荷载的相似规律。
  • The ray - intersection method is used to determine the nesting level of contours in the same layer , and the contours match relationship between two adjacent layers is established according to contours geometry comparability and relative position fixity
  • ( 2 ) the static experiment about six geometry comparable elastic foundation beams is carried through , and the static trait of non - reinforcing steel bar concrete foundation beam is gained . in the qualitative point of view , the static comparability between geometry comparable elastic foundation beams is validated
    ( 2 )对6根几何相似的弹性地基梁进行了静力试验,获取了无配筋混凝土地基梁的静力特性,并从定性的角度验证了几何相似的弹性地基梁静力特性相似。
  • The work presented in this thesis is part of the research project - similitude laws and nondestructive diagnosis on concrete pavements , which is supported by china national science foundation . 9 slabs were tested to failure with factors of slab thickness , size ratio of geometrically similar slabs and loading place taken into account
    本课题在国家自然科学基金项目“混凝土路面板相似理论与损伤诊断研究” (批准号59978015 )资助下,进行了不同厚度、不同几何相似比的9块刚性路面板的试验研究。
  • The test results indicated that : crack similitude of reinforced concrete simple beams is not equal to model scale under the working load ; when the amount and surface shape of reinforcing bar are same , the similitude of crack width , crack amount and crack spacing of reinforced concrete simple beams of different scales are all nearly equal to the square root of model scale ; when the amount and surface shape of reinforcing bar are different , the similitude of crack amount and crack spacing are still nearly equal to , whereas the crack width is not only approximately proportional to , but the influence of the amount and surface shape of reinforcing bar on crack width should be considered also at the same time
  • Moreover , the current development status of sedimentation simulation research in china was demonstrated and five big trends for the future development of sedimentation simulation technologies were analyzed . the geometric similitude , kinematic similitude and kinetic similitude between the lab model and the prototype for sedimentation simulation form the basis of three similitude principles , while three similitude rules , i . e . , the suspension similitude rule , the particle movement similitude rule and the riverway distortion similitude rule can be deduced from the three similitude principles , and thee principles and rules are the basic theories for the development of physical simulation about the clastic sedimentation processes
  • Using the means of similar analysis , this paper derives such similar standard and ratio as geometric similar , time similar , dynamic similar , movement similar , and material similar with geological structure physical model , discusses the experimental model , means , materials and the boundary condition of geological structure physical modeling experiment , points out that they might simulate various complex geological structure patterns with different materials under the definitive boundary condition
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