- 减 subtract
- 让 give way; give ground; yield ...
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 资本流动 capital movement; capital fl ...
- 官方减让性资金流动 official concessional flows
- 破坏性资本流动 disruptive capital movements; disruptive flows of capital
- 资本流动 capital flows; capital movements; movement of capital
- 资本流动(转移) capital movements
- 资本流动性 capital mobility; mobility of capital
- 长期资本流动 long-term capital movements
- 短期资本流动 short-term capital movements
- 估算资本流动 imputed capital flow
- 国际资本流动 international capital flows; international capital movements; international movement of capital
- 技能资本流动 human capital flow
- 贸易资本流动 trade capital flow; trade capital movement
- 人力资本流动 human capital flow
- 实际资本流动 real capital flow
- 游浮资本流动 volatile capital flows
- 资本流动差额 balance of capital movements
- 资本流动冲击 capital flow shocks
- 资本转移, 资本流动 capital transfer
- 减让性援助 concessional aid
- 官方短期资本流动 official short term capital movement; official short-term capital movement
- 国际短期资本流动 movement of international short term capital; movement of of international shortterm capital
- 过度的资本流动 an overflow of capital