be high up in the air; soar or tower aloft; fly high soar 短语和例子
凌空高飞的鸟 bird soaring to the skies; 凌空高阁 towering pavilion; 凌空盘旋的飞机 plane hovering over in the sky; 飞机凌空而起。 the airplane soared into the sky
The airplane soared into the sky . 飞机凌空 而起。 The sky was blue, the larks was soaring high over the green corn . 长天一片澄蓝,碧绿的庄稼上云雀凌空 穿飞。 The goal of man flying on his own pung power was virtually forgotten . 以人体自身微弱的力量凌空 飞行的理想,实际已为人所淡忘。 They followed the road with a sensation that they were soaring along in a supporting medium . 她们顺着大路走来,觉得好象凌空 御风,飘然前往。 Walt whitman inciting the american eagle to soar was of considerable importance to the native man of letters . 惠特曼激励美国之鹰凌空 翱翔,这是对于美国文人至关重要的一件大事。 You ' ll sure have her stumped if you go for the punt 你保证会让她绊倒如果你凌空 一脚 Bebeto volleyed the ball 30 metres away from the net 贝贝托在距球门30米开外凌空 抽射。 She swishes her hunting crop savagely in the air 她凶猛地凌空 甩着猎鞭。 Thieves of aerial performances games - 4455 miniclip games 小偷的凌空 表演小游戏- 4399小游戏 Thieves of aerial performances introduction 小偷的凌空 表演游戏攻略
凌空的法语 :动 être suspendu;s'élever;monter haut凌空的日语 :空高く(舞い上がる,またはそびえる). 高层建筑凌空而起/高層ビルがそそり立つ. 山顶上国旗凌空飞扬/山の頂に国旗が空高くひるがえる.凌空的韩语 :[동사]【문어】 하늘 높이 오르다. 높이 솟다. 高阁凌空; 높은 누각이 하늘 높이 솟아 있다 飞机凌空而过; 비행기가 하늘 높이 날아가다凌空的俄语 :[língkōng] подняться ввысь; в небесах, в небе凌空什么意思 :língkōng (1) [high up in the air]∶高架在空中 铁路桥凌空架在两山之间 (2) [across the sky; soar aloft; tower aloft]∶从天空通过 飞机凌空而过 (3) [rise high into the air]∶高升到天空,耸立空中