- break through the shackles of the old conventions
- 冲破 break through; breach; burst
- 旧框框 convention
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 禁锢 debar from holding office ke ...
- 突破旧框框的限制 throw convention to the winds
- 打破旧框框 break through the sterotypes 打破旧框框, 开创新局面 break through the sterotypes and open up a new prospect
- 打破旧框框,开创新局面 break through the sterotypes and open up a new prospect
- 打破旧框框开创新局面 break through the sterotypes and open up a new prospect
- 破除旧形式和旧框框 break away with old forms and rules
- 框框 1.(周围的圈) frame; circle2.(固有的格式; 传统的做法; 事先划定的范围) restriction; convention; set pattern 突破旧框框的限制 throw convention to the winds; 改革不合理的条条框框 reform irrational regulations and restrictions
- 摆脱思想上和体制上的禁锢 to shake off ideological and structural shackles
- 摆脱许多思想上和体体制上的禁锢 shake off ideological and structural shackles
- 冲破 break through [down]; breach; burst (open) 冲破重重障碍 break through one barrier after another; surmount all obstacles; 冲破经济界限 break down the economic boundaries; 我军冲破了敌人的防线。 our troops have broken through the enemy's line
- 破旧 old and shabby; worn-out; dilapidated 破旧的家具 old disreputable furniture; 破旧的上衣 worn-out coats; 一辆破旧的汽车 a beaten-up car; a worn-out car; 一家破旧的小房子 a small run-down house
- 划框框 set limits; place restrictions
- 老框框 out-moded conventions
- 书框框 stereotype
- 洋框框 foreign conventions
- 禁锢湖 imprisoned lake
- 禁锢术 imprisionment; imprisonment
- 拘留,禁锢 jail
- 性禁锢 sex lockup
- 半框的 self-rim
- 模框的 framed