- 冲击 lash; pound
- 坑 hole; pit; hollow
- 次级冲击坑 secondary crater
- 复杂冲击坑 complex crater
- 视冲击坑 apparent crater
- 双冲击坑 twinned crater
- 陨石冲击坑 meteorite impact crater
- 真冲击坑 true crater
- 古陨石冲击坑 fossil meteorite crater
- 地球上的冲击坑 terrestrial impact crater
- 陨击坑 meteorite crater
- 撞击坑 impact crater
- 初级陨击坑 primary crater
- 次级陨击坑 secondary crater
- 简单陨击坑 simple crater
- 陨石撞击坑 meteorite ater
- 冲击 1.(水流等撞击) lash; pound 激流对海岸的冲击 the impact of the swift current against the shore; 海浪冲击着礁石, 飞起像珠子般的水花。 the wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.2.(迅猛攻击) charge; assault; dash; flewit 对社会道德观念的冲击 a shock to the sense of a community; 向敌人阵地发起冲击 charge an enemy position3.[力学] shock4.[物理学] ballistic5.[医学] ictus6.[电学] surge7.[机械工程] impact; impigement
- 冲击,冲击,冲击 break,break,break
- 陨石撞击坑的结构 richat structure, mauritania
- 波冲击 wave impact
- 冲击,打击 impinge
- 冲击,折磨 buffet
- 冲击摆 ballistic pendulum; gun pendulum; impact pendulum
- 冲击板 impacting plate; strike plate
- 冲击报 el impacto; impacto el; impacto, el