- 冰 ice
- 洲 continent
- 诗集 collection of poems; poetry ...
- 冰洲 iceland
- 诗集 collection of poems; poetry anthology
- 冰洲鸥 iceland gull
- 冰洲石 calcspar; doublerefracting spar; ice spar; iceland ar; iceland crystal; iceland spar; icelandspar; icelnned spar
- 浮冰洲 sea ice shelf
- 冰洲晶石 iceland spar
- 冰洲玛瑙 iceland agate
- 冰洲鹊鸭 barrow's goldeneye
- 短诗集 lycidas comus and the minor poems; the minor poems
- 古诗集 ancient poetry
- 情诗集 an anthology of love poetry
- 杂诗集 the uncollected poems
- 冰洲玛瑙容岩 iceland agate lava
- 编辑诗集 compile an anthology of poems
- 冰岛诗集的 eddic
- 讽刺诗集 satires
- 歌德诗集 the poems of goethe
- 古冰岛诗集 edda
- 归宿诗集 a place to come to
- 胡椒罐诗集 peppercanister poems
- 活动诗集 poetry in motion
- 来扬诗集 father ryan’s poems