- 冰河 glacier
- 期 designated time
- 残 incomplete; deficient
- 遗物 remains; remainder; monument ...
- 残遗物 epibiotic; relict
- 冰河期 glacial age; glacial epoch; glacial period; glacial stage; ice age
- 冰河期后的 postglacial
- 冰河期前的 preglacial
- 冰期;冰河期 glacial age(ice-age)
- 大冰河期 great ice age
- 民德冰河期 mindel glacial period
- 小冰河期 little ice age
- 岳沐冰河期 wurm glacial period
- 干热期残遗种 xerothermic relics
- 第三纪残遗物 tertiary relic
- 冰河期以后的 postglacial
- 堪萨斯冰河期 kansas glacial period
- 韦谢耳冰河期 weichsel glacial period
- 伊利诺冰河期 illinoian glacial period
- 威斯康辛冰河期 wisconsin glacial period
- 一个新的冰河期 a new ice age
- 冰川极盛期;最大冰河期 glacial maximum
- 遗物 remains; remainder; monument; relic; truncheon; things left behind by the deceased 博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物。 the museum contains the remains of chinese antiquity
- 残遗 relict
- 冰河 [地] (冰川) glacier◇冰河时代 glacial epoch; 冰河学 glaciology; 冰河作用 glaciation