It also refers to the leaves and berries used at chrismas ornaments 该词又指圣诞节用作装饰品的冬青叶及果实。
Holly , with its sharply pointed leaves , symbolised the thorns in christ ' s crown - of - thorns 尖尖的冬青叶树象征着耶稣带刺的冠冕。
Lush grass blanketed the banks under scrub oak , and 14 ) lichen covered rocks of all sizes 15 ) peppered the fields around the stream ? this was danni ' s place 郁郁葱葱的草就像地毯一样铺满冬青叶栎下面的河岸,各种尺寸的岩石散布在河流四周的牧场上,岩石上布满了青苔? ?这就是丹尼的地盘。
I smelt the rich scent of the heating spices ; and admired the shining kitchen utensils , the polished clock , decked in holly , the silver mugs ranged on a tray ready to be filled with mulled ale for supper ; and above all , the speckless purity of my particular care - the scoured and well - swept floor 因此就剩下我一个人在这里。我闻到烂熟了的香料的浓郁香味,欣赏着那些闪亮的厨房用具,用冬青叶装饰着的擦亮了的钟,排列在盘里的银盆它们是准备用来在晚餐时倒加料麦酒的。