- 冤枉 wrong; treat unjustly
- 委屈 feel wronged; suffer from in ...
- 某人 a certain person
- 冤枉某人, 委屈某人 do sb wrong; put sb in the wrong; put sb. in the wrong
- 对待某人不公平, 冤枉某人, 委屈某人 do sb wrong; do wrong to sb
- 冤枉某人 put sb
- 使某人受屈, 冤枉某人 do sb an injustice
- 冤枉 1.(受到不公平的待遇) wrong; treat unjustly 冤枉某人 put sb. in the wrong; 受冤枉 suffer wrongful treatment; 你冤枉了我。 you do me wrong.2.(不值得; 吃亏) not worthwhile; not repaying the effort 花冤枉钱 waste money; not get one's money's worth
- 委屈 1.(受冤屈) feel wronged; suffer from injustice; nurse a grievance 受委屈 suffer wrong; 诉委屈 pour out one's grievances [troubles]2.(使人受到冤屈) put sb. to great inconvenience 对不起, 委屈你了。 sorry to have made you go through all this.; sorry to have troubled you with all such inconvenience. 你只好委屈一点。 you'll have to put up with it
- 受冤枉 suffer wrongful treatment
- 冤枉路 the unnecessary long way one has travelled 走冤枉路 go the long way
- 令委屈 agrieve
- 使委屈 aggrieve
- 受委屈 be upset by some unkindness
- 诉委屈 pour out one's grievances put sb. to great inconvenience
- 太委屈 disco; too grievous; too hurt and wronged
- 高叫冤枉 loudly complain of being wronged
- 花冤枉钱 spend money to no avail; throw money away
- 你冤枉了我 get me wrong
- 冤枉的人 the wrong man; wrong man
- 冤枉好人 blacken a good man's name; falsely wrong or injure a good man; wrong innocent people
- 冤枉相思 love with no result; misguided love
- 走冤枉路 go the long way
- 陈诉委屈 state one's grievances
- 晶-太委屈 funkyclubmix