The vice-chairman accepted the paper, unfolded and read it . 副会长接过纸条,把它摊平,读了写在上面的内容。
A pull system in agile development lets people figure out by themselves what to do by using the help of information radiators for example , there might be a whiteboard in the hall where all the user stories in scope are written on cards ; work assignment means moving a story card from the " to - do " area of the whiteboard to a " checked - out " area 敏捷开发中的拖拉系统( pull system )借助于资讯发射源( information radiator )使人们能够自己确定去做什么(例如,走廊上可能有一个白板,所有相关的用户素材都写在上面的卡片上;分配工作意味著将素材卡片( story card )从白板的“ to - do ”区移到“ checked - out ”区) 。
He did not merely fancyas every governing official always does fancythat he was controlling the external acts of the inhabitants of moscow , but fancied that he was shaping their mental attitude by means of his appeals and placards , written in that vulgar , slangy jargon which the people despise in their own class , and simply fail to understand when they hear it from persons of higher station . the picturesque figure of leader of the popular feeling was so much to rastoptchins taste , and he so lived in it , that the necessity of abandoning it , the necessity of surrendering moscow with no heroic effect of any kind , took him quite unawares ; the very ground he was standing on seemed slipping from under his feet , and he was utterly at a loss what to do 他不仅觉得正如每一行政长官都这样觉得他是在支配莫斯科居民的外在行为,而且还觉得他通过措词低下告示和传单支配着他们的心情,其实写在上面的一派胡言,民众在自己范围内是瞧不起的,当它从上面传下来时,民众也不理解,对扮演民情支配者的角色,拉斯托普钦为此而自鸣得意,他习以为常地以至于必须退出角色,没有任何英勇表现,也必须放弃莫斯科,对他不啻是晴天霹雳,他突然失掉脚下他赖以站立的土地,茫然不知所措了。