- 关 close; shut
- 夜莺 nightingale; jar-owl; philom ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 再听不见夜莺的歌喉, i shall not hear the nightingale
- 母鸡下蛋使用的笼子 cage used for layers
- 神秘的小猴呦奇的笼子 mystery of the monkey cage
- 关在笼子里,夜莺也不叫 nightingales will not sing in a cage
- 夜莺 nightingale; jar-owl; philomel 夜莺歌唱。 nightingales sing. 关在笼里的夜莺唱不出歌来。 nightingales will not sing in a cage
- 笼子 笼子cage; coop; basket; container
- 笼子a large box or chesttrunk
- 他要她留下来并为她建造一座漂亮的笼子 so he wanted her to stay and built a splendid cage for her
- 夜莺岛 nightingale island
- 夜莺颂 ode to a nightingale; ode to the nightingale
- 家禽的笼舍。 hen house
- 夜的笼照, 夜幕 the cope of night
- 穿越夜莺地 across the nightingale floor
- 国王的夜莺 the emperor's nightingale
- 麦西夜莺 maxine nightingale
- 夜莺歌唱 nightingales sing
- 夜莺鸣啭 a nightingale warbles
- 夜莺夜曲 serenade
- 夜莺鹪鹩 nightingale wren
- 英国的夜莺 le rossignol anglais
- 鹰和夜莺 the hawk and the nightingale
- 自动开关夜明灯 auto night light