- convention concerning conditions of employment of plantation workers
- 关于 about; on; with regard to; c ...
- 种植园 plantation; haciendo; fazend ...
- 工人 worker
- 就业 obtain employment; take up a ...
- 条件 condition; term; factor
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 公约 convention; treaty; pact
- 茶叶种植园工人 tea plantation worker
- 咖啡种植园工人 o lavrador de cafe
- 橡胶种植园工人 rubber plantation worker
- 农业和种植园工人工会 agricultural and plantation workers' union
- 种植园工人国际联合会 plantation workers' international federation
- 充分就业条件的平衡 full employment balance
- 国际农业林业及种植园工人工会 trade unions international of agriculture forestry and plantation workers; tuiafpw
- 农业林业和种植园工人工会国际 trade unions international of agricultural forestry and plantation workerss; tuiafpw
- 就业条件 conditions of employment
- 关于在违法条件下移民的公约 konvention f. über die auswanderung unter gesetzwidrigen bedingungen
- 种植园 don dien; hacienda; plantations
- 关于庇护的公约 convention on asylum
- 关于领事官的公约 convention on consular agents
- 关于破产的公约 konvention f.über die bankrotterklrung
- 关于外交官的公约 convention on diplomatic officers
- 无关于种族 see, it's not about races
- 关于不人道武器的公约 convention on inhuman weapons
- 关于非洲难民问题的公约 convention on refugee problems in africa