The variant alleles are very frequent in populations , with the hightest frequence , 0 . 29 , found in africas . the ggc 54gac allele is common in chinese with gene frequency above 0 . 1 . hence , mbl deficiency is the most frequent immunodeficiency , but its pathological mechanisms remain elusive and await further investigation 这些等位基因为常染色体共显性遗传,人群中其基因频率高得令人惊奇,最高者竟达0 . 29 ,我国汉族ggc54gac频率约0 . 1 。
Microsatellite dna is among the most efficient class of molecular markers due to their hyper - variable and co - dominant nature with relatively high abundance and random distribution in the genome , and have been applied to a variety of fields including population differentiation , kinship analysis , linkage analysis , and evolutional and ecological studies 摘要微卫星dna由于具有高度多态性、共显性遗传、基因组中含量丰富且随机分布等特点,目前已成为最有效的分子标记之一,并应用于种群分化研究、血缘分析、基因连锁分析、进化以及生态学研究等许多领域。