Bell system technical journal , 1970 , 49 : 291 - 307 为此本文提出了一个增量式共体结构挖掘算法。
So sadc has hailed the constitutional deal as a breakthrough 所以南共体欢呼这个宪法修正案是一个突破。
A heuristic clustering algorithm for mining communities in signed networks 一种挖掘符号网络共体的启发式聚类算法
The concept and domain of wen in the " daya " section of the book of songs 共体文明的创建与理想: 《诗经大雅》之文
Force - based incremental algorithm for mining community structure in dynamic network 基于力的增量式动态网络共体结构挖掘算法
Researches on resistance to downy mildew induced by copolymer of chlorine and potassium ions in cucumber 氯钾离子共体诱导黄瓜对霜霉病抗性的研究
20 freeman l c . a set of measures of centrality based upon betweenness . sociometry , 1977 , 40 : 35 - 41 该算法能够基于先前计算出的共体结构快速对增量后的网络重新聚类。
19 kleinberg j m . authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment . journal of the acm , 1999 , 46 : 604 - 632 为解决这些问题,本文提出一种新的符号网络共体挖掘算mcs算法。
Defining and identifying communities in networks . in proc . the national academy of science , usa , 2004 , 101 : 2658 - 2663 此外,本文算法也为网络共体结构可视化和网络结构动态演化的研究提供一种新方法。