- 公路工程 highway engineering
- 名词 noun; substantive
- 术语 term; onomastion; onym; term ...
- 名词术语 vocabulary of terms
- 名词术语集 erp
- 名词术语库 terminology bank
- 工程降水名词术语讨论 discussion on substantives and terms of the engineering dewatering
- 电工名词术语 electrotechnical terminology
- 齿科材料名词术语 vocabulary of dental materials
- 公路工程 central south highway engineering; smart highway projects
- 公路工程学 highway engineering; highwayengineering
- 故障树名词术语和符号 terms and symbols of fault tree
- 麻醉呼吸设备名词术语 anaesthetic equipment and breathing machine vocabulary
- 水轮泵名词术语及定义 terms and definitions of water-turbine pumps
- 往复泵分类和名词术语 classification and vocabulary for reciprocating pump
- 公路工程测量 road engineering survey; roadengineeringsurvey
- 公路工程计划 highway project
- 公路工程监理 highway engineering supervision
- 快速公路工程 expressway works
- 中南公路工程 journal of central south highway engineering
- 主要公路工程 major highway project
- 道路工程术语标准 standard for terms used in road engineering
- 公路工程概算定额 approximate estimate norm of highway project
- 公路工程估算指标 estimate index of highway project
- 公路工程管理局 bureau of highway construction