This paper improves the common - used way of prediction to synchronize the measurements , and then realizes the passive location with the use of the near location that comes from the point of intersection of the perpendicular of the two radials and the radial the target locates 本文对常用的滤波预测方法进行改进,使之适合于方位数据的时间对齐,然后利用目标所在射线与两异面射线的公垂线的交点作为目标位置的近似,来达到无源定位的目标。
Secondly , according to convex geometric characteristics , a common - perpendicular - line algorithm is developed for the distance between the convex nurbs surfaces by making surfaces discrete , approximating the distance by one between convex hulls of discrete surfaces and solving a linear programming problem to get their vertical projective length on common perpendicular direction , that is , the original distance 然后,针对凸曲面的几何特征,给出了nurbs凸曲面间距离求解的公垂线法和切平面法。公垂线法是把曲面间的距离求解问题转化成曲面的离散点生成的凸壳间的距离,再归之为两凸壳在其公垂线上投影集合间的距离,由此抽象成一个线性规划问题,估算出近点对。