Consultants see many mergers , acquisitions or large - scale corporate restructurings 咨询师目睹了许多合并、收购或大规模公司重组。
The major methods used to reconstitute the company are acquisition of companies and merging 公司重组的方式有公司收购和公司兼并。
First , some of the business restructuring of recent years may have been ineptly done 一种解释是近年来所进行的公司重组也许并未奏效。
This letter is to inform you of my new assignment , the result of a company reorganization 现去信通知贵方,由于我公司重组,我将担任新职。
Reorganization of listed companies and the effeciency of capital distribution research with living examples 上市公司重组与资本配置效率的实证研究
It ' s quite common practice for western businesses to lay off employees during times of economic upheaval , company reorganization / restructuring , and downsizing 在西方商界,每逢经济动荡、公司重组或缩减规模时,就会裁员。
After 1998 , the reorganinzation of public companies spread over china . so it appears what we called tide of public companies asset reorganization 中国上市公司重组的星星之火,到1998年之后形成了燎原之势,从而产生了被称为上市公司资产重组浪潮的现象。
This mattered little in the early 1990s , when most soes made no money and needed any cash they generated to restructure themselves and repay debt 90年代初,保留多少利润影响很小,当时大部分国有企业几乎没有多少利润,仅有的资金还要全部用于公司重组或者是偿还债务。
Mr . fujio mitarai , the 70 - year - old canon president and ceo took over canon in 1995 . led by him , canon has made big restructuring and a series of reform measures 在他的领导下,佳能开始了大刀阔斧的公司重组和一系列改革措施,并自2000年起连续五年保持了营业额和净收入的双增长。