- commercial attach to a legation
- commercial attache to a legation
- 公使馆 legation
- 商务参赞 commercial counsellor
- 商务参赞 commercial attache; commercial computer; commercial cou elor; commercial counsellor; commercial counselor; commercial secretary; commercialcounselor; commicial counsellor
- 商务参赞处 commercial attache's office; commercial cou elor's office; commercial counsellor's office; commercialcou elor'soffice; economic and commercial counselor's office; office of commercial counsellor
- 驻华使馆商务处 nzte
- 商务参赞陶玉章 dao ngoc chuong
- 政务参赞 political counselor; politicalcou elor; politicalcounselor
- 公使衔参赞 counsellor with the rank of minister; minister-counsellor
- 大使馆参赞 embassy counsellors
- 使馆参赞 conseilleral'ambassade
- 使馆随员,参赞 att attache
- 教廷公使馆 apostolic internunciature
- 挽救公使馆 the relief of the legations
- 商务参事 commercial attache
- 英国公使馆,北京 british legation, beijing
- 驻华使馆文化参赞魏博 maria weber
- 中国使馆的商务处 commercial cou elor's office; commercial counselor's office; commercial counselor’s office
- 参赞 counsellor; councillor 商务参赞 commercial counsellor; 文化参赞 cultural attaché; 科技参赞 counsellor for scientific and technological affairs; 参赞处 counsellor's office
- 公使 envoy; minister 特命全权公使 envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary; 公使馆 legation
- 使馆 diplomatic mission; embassy 美国驻华使馆 american embassy in china; 在华盛顿的中国使馆 chinese embassy in washington; 使馆工作人员 the staff of a diplomatic mission; embassy personnel; 使馆馆长 head of a diplomatic mission; 使馆随员 attaché
- 参赞处 counsellor's office
- 公使团 ministry
- 外务参事官 counsellor of foreign affairs
- 业务参考 business reference
- 职务参与 job involvement