Cholecystokin in - octapeptide ( cck - 8 ) is a kind of endogenous brain - gut peptide . recent studies suggest a regulatory function of cck - 8 in the immune system 八肽胆囊收缩素( cholecystokinin - octapeptide , cck - 8 )是一种内源性的脑肠肽,近年研究表明cck - 8对免疫系统具有调节作用。
This inactive product is cleaved by a converting enzyme , mainly in the lung but also in the kidney and brain , to an octapeptide , angiotensin ii , which is a potent vasoconstrictor that also stimulates release of aldosterone 这一非活性产物经转换酶裂解,主要是在肺部但也在肾和脑部,成为八肽,即血管紧张素,这是和中强烈的血管收缩素,可刺激醛固酮的释放。