The individual number of terrestrial mollusca is continuously reducing with the rise of altitudes in mangshan nature reserve , but it sems no apparent change in babaoshan area 莽山自然保护区陆生贝类的个体数量随着海拔高度的增加而减少,八宝山陆生贝类的个体数量随海拔高度的变化表现不出明显的变化规律。
From mangshan nature reserve to babaoshan , the central china species are clearly constantly reducing , but the central china species are clearly constantly increasing . this trend shows that the terrestrial mollusca fauna exists many differences in two areas 从莽山到八宝山,陆生贝类体现出华中区成分明显在减少,华南区成分明显在增加的趋势,这表明南岭山脉南北两侧陆生贝类区系成分存在较大的差异。
The species are the furthest abundant in mixed forest of evergreen broad leaf and deciduous broad leaf in middle altitude region ( from 500m to 1 , 200m ) in two areas , followed by the mixed forest of coniferous leaf and broad leaf in middle altitude region ( from 1 , 200m to 1 , 600m ) of mangshan and the evergreen broad leaf forest in low altitude region ( under 500m ) of babaoshan . the biomass of the mollusca community is much bigger than any other areas and the superior species are quite apparent in low altitude region . the terrestrial mollusca are not discovered in high altitude region ( from 1 , 600 to 1 , 900 ) so far 中海拔区( 500 1 , 200m )的常绿阔叶与落叶阔叶混交林带陆生贝类物种最为丰富;次丰富的为莽山中海拔区( 1 , 200 1 , 600m )的针阔混交林带和八宝山低海拔区( 500m以下)的常绿阔叶林带;低海拔区( 500m以下)的常绿阔叶林带陆生贝类的种群数量大,优势种明显;高海拔区( 1 , 600一1 , 900m )未发现陆生贝类。
These diversity indexes indicate a trend - the more abundant and even the components and more complicated the habitats of the community , the higher value of these diversity indexes whether margalef species richness index ( d _ ( ma ) ) , shannon - wiener index ( h " ) , or pielou evenness index ( jsw ) were used to analyze the biodiversity of terrestrial mollusca . the change of shannon - wiener ( h " ) is accordant with species and margalef species richness index ( d _ ( ma ) ) 两地区陆生贝类多样性指数h夕与多样性指数s 、苗剑的变化相一致,且s 、 h夕、或峨的值以莽山的红旗桥和八宝山的五里坑为最高;陆生贝类均匀度指数( js刃不受丰富度指数影响,但是均匀度指数影响多样性指数h , ,一般来说js ,高, h ,越高,但也有例外情况。
The result of fauna analysis show that the central china and south china of oriental region are absolute superior in mangshan nature reserve and babaoshan . however a few palaearctic region species have " filtered into . the central china species are the chief portion in mangshan nature reserve and the south china species are the chief portion in babaoshan 区系分析表明,莽山和八宝山的陆生贝类均以东洋界华中区和华南区的种类占绝对优势,但也有少数古北界的种类渗透;不同的是莽山以华中区的成分为主,八宝山以华南区的成分为主。
Our delta force was infiltrating through shijingshan road and fuxing road after a safe landing on babaoshan . but they met heavy resistance near the gongzhufen bridge . commander coyote yelled , under the heavy fire of six outdated naval guns and walls of cannons , " who the shit - brained bastard provided these maps 安全空降在八宝山的三角洲部队沿石景山路,复兴路秘密潜入,结果在公主坟桥附近遭到顽强抵抗,被六门老式舰炮和满墙的机炮轰得一塌糊涂的野狼指挥官怒骂到: “是哪个脑子里装屎的家伙准备的地图?
The results show that there are 31 known species , 1 new species and 7 unnamed species which were collected from the sampling sites , belong to 10 families and 19 genera in mangshan nature reserve . there are 36 known species , 1 new species and 2 unnamed species which were collected from the sampling sites , belong to 10 families and 27 genera in babaoshan 结果表明,莽山自然保护区共有陆生贝类10科19属39种,其中7未订种, 1新种;八宝山共有陆生贝类10科27属39种,其中2未订种, 1新种。
Based on the characteristics of the quaternary tectonic activities of babaoshan - huangzhuang - gaoliying fault and the regional principal compressional stress direction and regional tectonic activities derived from the recent cross - fault displacement observation data in the capital area , we have analyzed the relationship between the fault movements at 7 cross - fault observation sites on the babaoshan - huangzhuang - gaoliying fault and the seismicity , conclude that the capital and adjacent area is soon to enter upon the next active period of earthquakes 摘要根据八宝山黄庄高丽营断裂第四纪地质构造活动特徵和利用首都圈地区跨断层位移最新的观测资料求得的北京地区区域主压应力方向和区域构造活动特徵,分析了八宝山黄庄高丽营断裂上7处跨断层位移测点的断层活动与地震活动的关系,得出了首都圈及邻近地区即将进入下一个地震活跃期的结论。
八宝山的韩语:[명사] (1)팔보산. [북경 서쪽 교외에 있는 산] (2)【약칭】 ‘北京八宝山革命公墓’(북경 팔보산 혁명 공동묘지)의 준말. (3)【비유】 장의사의 대칭. 去八宝山; 죽다