

音标:[ bāguóliánjūn ]   发音:
  • the Eight-Power Allied Forces,aggressive troops sent by Britain,the United States,Germany,France,tsarist Russia,Japan,Italy and Austria in 1900,to suppress the anti-imperialist Yihetuan Movement of the Chinese people



  • 例句与用法
  • Brother shengtang , the eight united armies are brittan russia japan france usa italia and austria
  • To save him from trouble , siu shan disclosed the consiiracy to cixi and fled out of the forbidden city . .
  • From the great game in central asia to the boxer rebellion of 1900 , western history has demonized eastern empires
  • This is a catholic church named " wang hai lou " , the historical site that results in the " eight - power allied forces " entering china in 1900
  • Its left arm bears gashes made by swords , a result of the looting of soldiers of the eight - power allied forces who invaded beijing in 1900
  • Our city tour takes us to the yuanming garden and the yongho palace . the famous peking roast duck will be provided for dinner tonight
  • The plaque tells us of multiple destructive events , the last of which was the invasion by the 8 power european forces in 1900 as a punishment for chinese assertiveness and emancipation - a reaction to the boxer rebellion
  • Invoking the image of 19th century colonial invasions of china , mr zong also accused danone of trying to take control of certain wahaha subsidiaries that are not part of the joint venture ? a comparison with wide resonance in china
    宗庆后还指责达能试图控制并不包括在合资企业中的某些娃哈哈子公司,他借用了19世纪八国联军侵略中国的比喻? ?这在中国具有广泛共鸣。
  • Classified as first class national treasures , some of the instruments were seized by the joint armies of the eight nations from beijing in 1900 . all instruments were returned in 1921 after the first world war and are kept in the beijing ancient observatory
  • Classified as first class national treasures , some of the instruments were seized by the joint armies of the eight nations from beijing in 1900 . all instruments were returned in 1921 after the first world war and are kept in the beijing ancient observatory
    部份展出的天文仪器更为国家的一级文物,曾在1 9 0 0年遭八国联军掠夺,所有仪器于1 9 2 1年归还后才再安放在北京古观象台。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 八国联军的法语:Alliance des huit nations
  • 八国联军的日语:八国連合軍. 『参考』1900年,独?日?露?英?米?仏?オーストリア?伊の8か国が義和団事件を鎮圧するために組織して北京を攻略した軍隊.
  • 八国联军的韩语:[명사]〈역사〉 팔국 연합군. [청(淸) 광서(光緖) 26년(1900년) 의화단사건(義和團事件) 때 조직된 영국·미국·독일·프랑스·러시아·일본·이탈리아·오스트리아 등 8개국 연합군]
  • 八国联军的俄语:pinyin:bāguóliánjūn ист. объединённая армия восьми (империалистических) государств (1900-1901 гг.)
  • 八国联军什么意思:BāGuóLiánjūn 1900年英、美、德、法、俄、日、意、奥八国为了扑灭我国义和团反对帝国主义的运动而组成的侵略军队。八国联军攻占了天津、北京等地,于1901年强迫清政府签订《辛丑条约》。
  • 推荐英语阅读
八国联军的英文翻译,八国联军英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译八国联军,八国联军的英文意思,八國聯軍的英文八国联军 meaning in English八國聯軍的英文八国联军怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
